Tuesday 14 May 2013


our lovely bundle, wee baby j, is one. i cannot bear the fact that they grow up so quickly. i. can. not. bear. it. here is a pensive wee j wearing, for a few moments at least, his birthday crown*.

and here he is showcasing his new, perfect and very sharp teeth. 
this means of course that o-o has been a big bro for a whole year, he's doing a great job.
we made some cakes in preparation for wee baby j's big day. o-o was in charge of decorating them; (jelly) tot sweets for our sweet tot.
 *now officially a family tradition. here're o-o's second and third birthday crowns.


  1. And look at the difference in O-O in that year too!!

    1. i know. a year ago he was only just growing out of toddlerdom, now he's a BOY! x


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